How to use multiple java versions on mac
How to use multiple java versions on mac

how to use multiple java versions on mac
  1. #How to use multiple java versions on mac how to
  2. #How to use multiple java versions on mac install
  3. #How to use multiple java versions on mac update
  4. #How to use multiple java versions on mac software

Let’s say you want to install Java 11.0.0-open enter this command at the terminal: $ sdk install java 11.0.2-open This will display a list of Java versions (I’m not going to list them all here) = To display the versions of Java, you can install enter this command at the terminal: $ sdk list java

how to use multiple java versions on mac

#How to use multiple java versions on mac update

To update SDKMAN enter this command at the terminal: $ sdk update List Available Version Of Java This will display the current version: SDKMAN 5.7.3+33 Update SDKMAN To check the current SDKMAN version enter this command at the terminal: $ sdk version To install SDKMAN enter this command at the terminal: $ curl -s "" | bashĪfter installation is complete close the terminal and open a new terminal.

how to use multiple java versions on mac

SDKMAN can be installed on Linux and Mac based system. SDKMAN also takes care of setting environment variables for you. SDKMAN is a command line tool that allows you to install different versions of Java, Gradle, Maven and more. Installing different versions by hand and setting the PATH can become a real pain at times. I’d love to hear what you’re building, tell me about it on Twitter or by email on or post it on Reddit to /r/twilio for the whole world to see.As Java developers, we have to work with different versions of Java from project to project.

#How to use multiple java versions on mac how to

Maybe use that time to check out how to build cool things with Java and Twilio like a WhatsApp bot which does image recognition or sending daily SMS reminders? Using SDKMAN! can save you a lot of time and trouble if you work with multiple versions of Java and related tools. In the “Add Library” dialog, select “Alternate JRE” and click “Installed JREs” to open another dialog which lets you choose an existing version, or add a new Java installation by browsing to where it is installed: You should select the version that’s there already (11.0.6.hs-adpt in this example) and remove it, then select “Modulepath” again, “Add Library” and select “JRE System Library” from the dialog: Either choose an existing version from the drop-down, or add a new Java version by selecting “New.” from the “Project SDK” section:įor Eclipse, this is done by heading to “Project Properties”, then “Java Build Path”, “Libraries” and selecting “Modulepath”: I recommend keeping things clearer by configuring projects in your IDE to use a specific installation, rather than “current”.įor IntelliJ IDEA this can be done from the “Project Structure” dialog. zshrc file in your home directory and adding sdk. Enable this by finding the plugins= line in the. There is an SDKMAN! plugin for Oh My Zsh which adds tab completion to the sdk command which is really helpful. If you use the terminal a lot, I highly recommend checking out Oh My Zsh which can add a ton of useful information and behaviour. It is available for Windows, Linux and MacOS.įollow the installation instructions for your platform.

#How to use multiple java versions on mac software

It’s not impossible to manage by hand, but it’s fiddly and if you get it wrong the error messages can be hard to understand.Įnter SDKMAN! It’s a tool for managing the installation and selection of Software Development Kits - not just different versions and builds of Java itself, but tools for building, debugging, monitoring, documenting and deploying too. Put bluntly, managing all this can be difficult. You could also be trying out different build tools like Maven and Gradle.

how to use multiple java versions on mac

I use AdoptOpenJDK’s builds of OpenJDK which is an increasingly popular choice according to the JVM Ecosystem Report 2020. At the same time, you might be investigating different builds of OpenJDK - there are several free alternatives. Java 14 will be released this month, and 15 later this year. You may also be prototyping code against newer versions of Java, the current version is 13. If you code in Java, you might be coding against Java 11, or 8, or maybe an even older version.

How to use multiple java versions on mac